
What is Stewardship?

It is not a new program or a single action or a number of actions.  It is the personal conversion and renewal of one’s heart and mind, i.e. living the Eucharist day by day with gratitude and love in an entire life.

Stewardship of time involves first our time spent with God in prayer and sacrament, then the time spent in service to others inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit.

Stewardship of talent is sharing God’s unique gifts bestowed on us. It is our loving response to God’s appointed calling to do HIS will, to proclaim the Good News of Salvation, to heal the afflicted, to feed the hungry, to care for one another, to give full life just as Jesus did.

Stewardship of treasure is taking care of and sharing our blessings, i.e. in what we do with our blessings from the heart as a faith response.

Stewardship is giving of the first fruits of our time, talent and treasure.

Consider the opportunities for volunteering in our Parish community. CLICK HERE and check your areas of interest. Return the form to the parish office or drop it in the collection box. We will contact you shortly.

1 Cor 12:4-5 “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them.There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served”.Check with the ministry leaders for more information to discern, develop and use your gifts the best you can.Click here for the All Saints Ministry Fair 2013 
Choir Jennifer 604-418-1536
Altar Servers Thu 604-908-0990
Altar Society Marina  604-937-3440
Block Rosary Francesca  604-552-0068
CWL Yolanda 604-937-5831
Children’s Liturgy Stephanie 604-256-4323
Divine Mercy Devotion Tessie  604-777-7138
Knights of Columbus Daren  604-421-3850
Lectors Berdie 604-464-3791
Legion of Mary Flor 604-941-9996
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Tessie  604-777-7138
PREP Ivy 604-771-2975
55+ Group Marlene  604-931-3938
Pro-Life TBA
RCIA Deacon Greg 604-771-2975
St Vincent de Paul Irma  604-331-9295
Ushers Sal  604-931-3135
VANSPEC Ivy  604-771-2975
Vocation Fr Don 604-939-1741
Youth Group Fr Lucio 604-939-1741
Other Parish Secretary  604-939-1741
The charism of faith empowers lay Catholics to live joyful lifestyles of exceptional trust in God’s provision and care.
55+ group:  bonding and nurturing others with encouragement…cheerful channel of God’s love and blessings, giving of God’s provision is not merely a duty or responsibility, it’s their idea of a really good time!
With the “Baptism in holy Spirit”, we open ourselves to be used by the Holy Spirit for the good of others in building up the Kingdom of God…Let your gifts flow freely and joyfully out of your gratitude and love.
The charism of Evangelism empowers lay Catholics to help others in nurturing and developing a personal and loving relationship with God.
“He who sings well, prays twice.” St. Augustine (353-430).  The charism of Music empowers lay Catholics to express their faith and to nurture their relationship with God.  Music plays a vital part in our worship, culture, evangelisation, and community life.
“Freely you have received, freely give” Matthew 10:8 The charism of giving empowers lay Catholics who commit to assist the poor, hungry, homeless and marginalized in whatever circumstances.  St Vincent de Paul is made up of faithful witnesses to the Vincentian Spritiuality of “Love thy neighbour” – focussing on the needs of others.
Knights of Columbus #5540: Charity has been the first principle, we are men of faith and men of action:  the “practice of love…as a community.”